

The Permissions module is located in the gear wheel in the upper right corner.

This module permits the organization administrator to grant or deny access to specific modules based on assigned roles. Administrators can enable, disable, or set to view only*: 



Permissions Module Overview:


Ability to grant or deny access to modules

View Only*

Ability to view case but not edit.

*Available for case module only


All module permissions (excluding the Activity module) can be customized from the default setting. Below is a breakdown of user access when altering the permission settings. 

EnableDisableView Only
Dashboard:It gives users access to Dashboard quick-access cardsRestricts all access to module and featuresN/A
Cases:Users can view and update casesRestricts all access to module and featuresUsers can view but not update cases*
Allegations:Users can view module and contentsRestricts all access to module and featuresN/A
OfficersUsers can view module and contentsRestricts all access to module and featuresN/A

How To Change Permission Setting(s)

  1. Click Enable
  2. Select desired setting 
  3. Click Save 


When a module is disabled, it disappears from the side menu, and booked marked pages are no longer viewable.

Allegations EnabledAllegations Disabled (Allegation module is no longer listed or accessible)
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