Creating Forms

Creating Forms

The Form module allows users to update and create new forms for the Portal and the Dashboard Case update tab.

  • Select the Create Form button
  • Fill out the required fields for the form
  • Select newly created form from the list of forms
  • Begin by inputting page title
  • Update the form Display Name and Description as necessary
  • Add questions to the form:
    • Drag and drop pre-written questions from the Question Bank
  • Create a custom question by Clicking Add Question

Select question type from the list

TitleAdd a title to form pages
SubtitleAdd a subtitle to form pages
Single ChoiceAdd a single choice question. Allows one answer per question
Multiple ChoiceAdds a multiple-choice question. Allows users to select more than one answer
DropdownAdds a question with dropdown answers
Yes/NoAdds a question with only a Yes/No answer
Short TextAdds a question with allowing minimal text answers
Long TextAdds a question with allowing long text answers
File UploadAllows users to upload files (pdf, jpeg, png, mp4, mp3)
URLAllows civilians to add URLs to responses
Contact InformationAdds basic contact field that can be marked as required
AddressAdds basic address collection fields
DateAdds a date collection field
HourAdds a time collection field
PhoneAdds a phone number collection field
EmailAdds an email collection field
  • Edit question and possible answers
  • Select Settings to add an optional description and mark the question required (if necessary)
  • Select Preview to view the question
  • Click Add Question to add additional questions or fields to the form
  • Users can also copy questions by Clicking the copy button or delete a question by clicking the garbage can.
  • Add additional pages to your form by Clicking Add New Page
  • Add additional sections to your form by Clicking Add New Section

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