Create Custom Reports Overview

Create Custom Reports Overview

Creating new reports allows users to narrow down on the specific needs and requirements of the organization. Users can set reports to global or private.

Filter Options

Ability to filter cases


Ability to sort results

Rename Report

Custom Report Fields:


You can use dimensions to categorize, segment, and reveal the details in your data. Dimensions affect the level of detail in the view.


Measures contain numeric, quantitative values that you can measure. Measures can be aggregated.


Use to set the date and time parameters


Use to set filter parameters

Creating Custom Reports (continued)

  • Set the dimensions, measures, times, and filters as needed.
    • Additional dimensions, measures, times, and filters can be added as needed

Fields are not dependent on each other

  • Click Run Report to generate a graph and table view of the results

Graph View

Table View

After the graph populates, users, can choose the graph display type (line, pie, or bar)

Users can download, clear, or save the results

  • Click Download to a PNG or CSV file
  • Click Clear Report to start over
  • Click Save to save the report
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